Monday, April 23, 2012

Counting Calories

Hey all,
It has been requested of me to write a post about Calories.  For starters, I would just like to say, I do not count calories, and people that do are not bad or wrong, but, there are better ways to lose weight.  

There is much debate on how many calories people should eat each day.  Without getting into any arguments, I think most of us can agree women should be eating anywhere from 1500-2500 and men should be eating from 2000-3000 everyday.  That is based on the fact that an average male human will burn 2000 calories while at rest.  So if you are already the weight you desire to be, then you do not need to be calorie deficient, you already eat exactly what you burn.  If you would like to lose weight, then you need to eat less calories than you burn, simple.  

Now then, a calorie is a measure of energy, as in, the energy you need to get yourself through the day and through your workout.  So you don't want to go depriving yourself of them too much, because...those calories run your brain, heart, and other vital organs.  Taking them away can make your organs less efficient.  The other thing that happens when you starve yourself of calories is that your body freaks out.  Your body thinks that you are not going to give it food anymore, stops burning the fat, and starts hoarding it.  Everything that you eat turns to fat instead of burning it.

What's the alternative?

Eating just under the needed amount of calories for a longer period of time is what most people do who still want to count calories.  That way works, but your still stuck doing math before you eat.  A better solution is, instead of eating such calorie packed junk, switch your foods.  Instead of 1300 calorie McDonald's number 4, eat a McDonald's salad, which are about 1000 less calories.  Big difference, you could eat four of those salads and you would still not have the amount of calories as a number 4.  The point is, we all know what foods are highly caloric, and if you don't I will give a very quick run down.

  • High Calories
    • Fried Foods
    • Fatty Meats
    • Sugary Foods
    • White breads and Rice and Starchy Vegetables
    • Anything that tastes very good :(
  • Low Calories
    • Fruits 
    • Vegetables
    • Nuts and Seeds
    • Water
    • Lean Meats
    • Whole Grains

If you simply choose foods that you know are way way way less caloric you are doing yourself two favors.
1.  You are making your diet easier
2.  You are making your body healthier.

Trade high calories for high vitamin content, high protein content, and high fiber content.

I hope this has helped all of you who love to hate calorie counting.  As always, questions or comments are welcome.

Stay healthy!
-Tom Rio 


  1. Very nice blog. I found it by accident while googling "non dieting blogs"! I can no longer count calories or diet anymore. They have all just ultimately made me fatter and fatter. Now I'm trying a different approach - following the guidelines in Dr. Gott's No Flour No Sugar Diet and also Paul McKenna's I Can Make You Thin - another non dieting approach to weight loss.

    Thanks again for a nice blog!

    1. Thanks! I love hearing feedback..I will definitely check out Dr. Gotts and see what he has to say. Thanks again!
