Thursday, April 5, 2012

Super Foods

Super Foods.

In today's vast array of choices food is no different.   With so much to choose from and the lack of education our community is getting about nutrition it can be hard to know what foods are the right foods.  You may be choosing foods you think are good that are actually bad. 

A good rule of thumb is:  The cheaper the Food, the more Villainous it is.

Well out of this mess comes a bird, no a plane, no its SuperFOOD!!
Superfoods are foods that contain more health in them then anything else combined.  If you just ate these foods and these foods alone, it would not matter your serving size, or your excersize rate, you would be lean, happy, smarter, more alert, and quite possibly wealthier. :)  Sounds pretty awesome huh.  Then why arn't we doing it?  I know why, we love chips,sugar,candy, and soda! (Believe me I am right there with you)
Try to put just a few of these into your daily "diet" and also use Moderation with the sweets and then we will have two new little things that will get us on our way to cut, lean, ripped machines!
Here is a list of my favorite superfood (and some gross ones packed with health)

This is an easy one, because most folks love sweet blueberries.  I remember I used to go blueberry picking in New Jersey every summer.  It was great, the Blueberries were 99 cents/pound.  These little buggers are packed with Vitamin C which is what keeps you going when your sick, or stressed.  (It's essential)
-Turkey(Not Just for Thanksgiving After all)
Many people do not realize how good turkey is, apart from duck and goose, it's the healthiest meat out there.  It is also the leanest.  It also contains:  Tryptophan which, not makes you sleepy, it makes you happy by upping your serotonin.  Pretty cheap alternative to an anti-depressant would't you say?  Turkey also comes with free Vitamin B for energy.
-Quinoa (Pronounced Keen-waa)
This rice-like sensation is the hidden gem of your local Food Lion, Acme, or Piggly Wiggly (That's a southern Super Market (Cool Name Right?)) Not only does it have 8 grams of protein in each cup (That's right 8!) it has the good fat, vitamin E and a good amount of iron.  It goes good with steak, chicken, or our new best friend..turkey :) 
Most beans are considered Super :)  They are high in protein, fiber and good fat.  Just steer clear of the beans packed with 50 grams of sugar.
Everyone loves Sour candy, well here is the healthy version of sour candy!  Kiwi's are fun and quick vitamin packed snacks :)  Fiber, Vitamin C and E, plus...they are covered in tiny hairs, how cool!
-Plain Yogurt
Now this one really is easy, just peel off the lid and down the health.  This helps with your BMs (we all know what those are)  and keeps you regular.  Yogurt is packed with protein so if you eat yogurt in the morning you are 20% more likely to not eat again until lunch.  Not to mention the low calorie count and cancer fighting acidopholis.  :)
The egg is incredible isn't it.  With it's Vitamin K which prevents blood clots.  Its low calorie, high-protein, high vitamin content is far better than the pretend hype about cholesterol.  (Moderation! will fix the cholesterol issue)
Protein, Fiber, Vitamins, Good Fat, Good Sugar.  There is absolutely nothing better you can do then keep a can or bag of almonds or cashews on your person at all times.  They are fantastic for fighting hunger pangs between meals.  
Oh good fats, you are so good to us.  The good fat in these Super Foods have the potential to fight brain cancer and actually make your cognitive reaction faster than those eating taco bell fats.  Salmon has super high protein and the best part, if you eat enough your skin turns pink! (If your lucky)
A head of broccoli a day keeps the doctor away.  Well, eat your green vegetables and you'll probably live longer, with standard check ups by your also broccoli eating physician.  Fiber is the name of the game for overall health which also helps in weight loss.  Again we see the recurring theme of Vitamin C here as well.   
-Sweet Potatoes
 Last but not least we have our Oranges.  Orange potatoes that is.  These babies pack 400% of Beta Carotene, which helps the skin and eyes.  Fibrous indeed is the sweet potato.  They are also a good alternative to regular potatoes as they have a lower glycemic index.  

I know that was a lot to take in.  But this blog will be here forever so you can refer back whenever you want.  Feel free to leave any questions for me, I'll be glad to answer back right away.

Challenge:  If anyone knows any other superfoods I missed (I know for a fact there are more)  Go ahead and post them for our readers to see :)

Thanks for reading, 
stay tuned, 
stay healthy,
Tom Rio


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